To Chad

After the sudden passing of Chad Seely yesterday, I've decided to write a few of my thoughts here-- perhaps more to help me process than anything else. First, I would like to acknowledge Chad's close family and friends, and his students, and let them know that while I am not in the Yakima area to help directly they all have my sympathy and support at this time. To Chad's wife Amy, especially: you are in my prayers.
I don't remember ever meeting Chad. There must have been a day--a moment-- that we first met; but I'm pretty sure that whenever that happened I was too young to remember anything at all. My grandparents met Chad when he was just a kid. So, as far back as I can remember, Chad has just always been... there. Like his parents, like his "second family" the Akins, permanent fixtures in my life.

Since first entering adulthood I've had the privilege of getting to know Chad in a different capacity. He transitioned from an uncle-type figure to more of a friend. During the plays we did together we would tell each other corny jokes in Spanish and get in 
Pitch-Perfect style riff-offs, but with show tunes. I could always count on him for an honest critique of my performances coupled with just the right amount support and encouragement. He was always ready to offer a hug when I needed one.

For all of that, I am grateful. Being friends with Chad has been a blessing and a joy. Hence, the blog post.

Chad, to me, has been one of those people who teach you how to be better. In my mind, he's the model of a kind, supportive friend. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I've got years worth of examples of this that I think are worth sharing.

Not everyone remembers to reach out during the important milestones. Chad always did. When I left home to go to college in another state, he gave me some much-needed and much-appreciated advice. It's things like this that, for me, demonstrate Chad's  testimony of a loving God, his every-day wisdom, and his love and concern for me (and for young people generally-- he taught high school after all). He said,

Maddie, I just want you to know that you have nothing to fear. You will have an amazing adventure for sure. If you are like me, change is challenging but always rewarding... You will be awesome! Well, even more awesome than you already are! I also want you to know that the best advice I can give is to stay close to your Heavenly Father, pray always, and get really involved in your student ward. Give me a holler anytime if you need advice, want to vent, or just to chat! Lots of love! Go you!

...Go you!

Those words were and are a helpful reminder to root for myself. I've known for a long time that no matter what, Chad was on my side. His support has lifted me up on many occasions.

Deep breath, big smile. Remember you rock!

During a particularly hard time in my life, when I was unable to serve the mission to which I had been called for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (due to severe [and unexplained] health problems), Chad was there for me. He reached out completely unsolicited with words of encouragement, advice, and concern for my well-being.

I just felt like I needed to share this thought. "Be still, and know that I am God," I know this is all frustrating. I hope that answers come soon... I'm here if you need anything, even just a listening ear.

Chad always struck me as very close to the holy spirit, because somehow he always said the right thing at the right time. On a particularly hard day in 2015, though I hadn't mentioned anything negative on the inter-webs to imply that I was having a hard time, he surprised me with this:

Been feeling like I need to say hello! I hope all is well for you. I want you to know that you are an amazing person and that the Lord has great things planned for you. Lots of love!

I really did need that message on that particular day.

When I'd doubt myself, Chad would always pop up with supportive words regarding my art.

I want you to know that you are an amazing person, your talent speaks for itself, and I am proud to have you as a friend.

Another time:

You are a rock star! Thank you for being my friend!

I believe much of what makes us who we are can be traced to the influence of those who have been a part of our lives-- our parents, teachers, mentors, friends, etc. The Seely and Akin families (I, like many others, really do just consider them as one family) have been one such influence in the development of my talents and my personality-- especially Chad.

So, Chad, if you can read this where you're at now (and I like to think you can), I want you to know that... no. No, Chad. You are the rock star. Thank you for being my friend.  I am so grateful for the love that you have shown me and countless other people-- especially those youth you've worked with in various capacities. You have lifted us and inspired us. That is no small legacy. You will be dearly missed.

La imagen puede contener: 20 personas, personas sonriendo, personas de pie
The 2016 Cast of The Little Mermaid at the Akin Center Theater, featuring myself as an evil eel and Chad as... what is he? Some sort of calypso-style fish? 😂


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