
On Anxiety, Hair, and Harry Potter

Last week I went on a date and (for the second time this month and, I swear, the umpteenth time in my life) a guy I had literally just met told me how I should wear my hair (at the time down and curly-- as it naturally grows). He said he liked it how I had it in my current Facebook profile picture, seen here.  Not a big deal? Sure, except that this happens to me literally all the time and (somehow) men seem to always feel the need to tell me what to do with my body.   But, "Don't be a 'femi-nazi', Maddie."  I told myself, taking a deep breath. "Don't overreact. He doesn't mean any offense. He was just sharing his opinion. He's allowed to have opinions. Just remember that you're allowed to not take his advice."  So I said, "Thank you, I liked it that day too." But he just had to push it. "So why don't you wear it like that all the time?" "Because my hair is naturally curly-- wha...

To Chad

After the sudden passing of Chad Seely yesterday, I've decided to write a few of my thoughts here-- perhaps more to help me process than anything else. First, I would like to acknowledge Chad's close family and friends, and his students, and let them know that while I am not in the Yakima area to help directly they all have my sympathy and support at this time. To Chad's wife Amy, especially: you are in my prayers. I don't remember ever meeting Chad. There must have been a day--a moment-- that we first met; but I'm pretty sure that whenever that happened I was too young to remember anything at all. My grandparents met Chad when he was just a kid. So, as far back as I can remember, Chad has just always been... there. Like his parents, like his "second family" the Akins, permanent fixtures in my life. Since first entering adulthood I've had the privilege of getting to know Chad in a different capacity. He transitioned from an uncle-type figure t...

35 Lessons from my Grandmother

Growing up, my siblings and I had the privilege of living in the same town as my paternal grandparents for our entire pre-college lives. My grandparents have always been a fixture in my day-to-day routine. I'd see them at least once a week growing up. Now, away from home, I call them all the time. Growing up they were at every recital (my Grandma even taught me piano), at every play, at every sports game, and at every birthday party. I have been beyond lucky to have their support. My grandparents have also always been and remain my biggest heroes. Today, I'd like to take a little time to list just a few of the lessons that I've learned from my Grandmother. Family is most important.  Music is one of the most powerful forces in the world and can heal broken hearts. You can't expect to get any better at something if you don't practice.  Send handwritten thank you cards-- and often.  When in doubt, always go for Mexican food. Exercise often and for your entir...

How To: Choose a Career (a list)

Yesterday my brother asked me for advice. A college Freshman, he's looking a great deal of major decisions in the face. This includes the   major decision. What should he study? Well, it depends what career he wants. Great...what career does he want? How is anyone supposed to really  know the answer to that question at 19? Deciding on a career can be daunting and difficult. Time is money. The pressure is high. So how is one to decide? There is no magic answer; and were there one, I wouldn't purport to having it. Regardless, here's a list of the nine most useful tips I've gathered from talking to a lot  of people about their experiences-- and from just a few of my own. 1. Identify the talents and skills you already have as well as some you'd like to learn. Then, create a chart (or whatever organizational tool floats your boat-- I like charts) like this one with your skills and the jobs that are applicable to those skills.   Take a look at your chart a...

The Words of Gandhi

In 2015 I read an anthology of the writings of Mahatma Gandhi (this particular edition was edited by Louis Fischer, and I highly recommend it. You can purchase it  here . All page numbers noted below are from this compilation.). I closed the pages of this book with renewed dedication to justice and the work of God. What struck me most about Gandhi's teachings was his dedication to "peace at any price save that of truth" (234). Since reading  The Essential Gandhi , I've found myself focusing daily on the importance of truth and how that importance should guide my actions. Because of the political climate this election year brings, I can't help but look at how the wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi informs present social issues. Many current movements hinge on the philosophies of Gandhi and another revolutionary you may have heard of, Martin Luther King Jr, making now an excellent time to review what made the mahatma great. As I was reading I kept finding quotes that I ...